‘I recently took part in a one kilometre open water swim across the bay of Lyme Regis. It was really exciting and I felt safe and calm throughout and glad to [have] RLNI lifeguards on hand in case I needed rescuing for whatever reason. I completed the race in 19 minutes, I was 70th out of 75, and I was so very proud of myself. It wasn’t until about two hours after the race that I realised I had completed the swim without once thinking about what was under the murky brown coloured water – this had been a long held fear of mine lasting for over thirty years that had deterred me from ever swimming out of my depth in the sea. I had just finished a short course of hypnotherapy with Fiona Robinson to help me cope with the fear of the unknown under the water and I know it got me through the race and a lifetime’s personal achievement.’
Archives: Testimonials
Fear of Flying
‘I decided to visit Fiona as I had recently experienced my first anxiety attack whilst on a long haul flight. I was extremely shocked by this experience and depressed about my life in general. In addition I was feeling extremely anxious and not sleeping at all well. I found Fiona to be very caring, thoughtful and very understanding of my circumstances. Her natural but yet extremely professional approach enabled me to fully relax and be more susceptible to the treatment. In addition Fiona has created a very peaceful environment for her sessions, her course content is very interesting and well supported by some useful hand outs. The hypnotherapy has not only enabled me to feel more relaxed but also return to a normal sleeping pattern. Without question my anxiety levels have lowered and I am feeling ‘normal’ again! I cannot recommend Fiona strongly enough – you have nothing to lose only everything to gain!’
‘The initial consultation was informative and helpful. Fiona made me feel comfortable from the start. The therapy was delivered in a very caring manner. I learnt new techniques on becoming calm and easing any tensions I may have had at that time. I have never been so confident as I am right now – at the age of 63 I feel that nothing gets in my way – I just go for it. Fiona’s questions made me think quite hard sometimes but I always left a session feeling relaxed and pleased. I have recommended Fiona to friends and many people.’
Weight Management
‘I have lost weight and have stopped being greedy, head appears to be in a very good place. The CD was very relaxing. I love the fact that I have more confidence now and I feel in control of my life and my eating. Very pleased that when obstacles crop up in life I am better equipped to deal with them.’